Sliding fire doors

Sliding fire doors with EI60 passage

Single-leaf sliding steel internal doors type TLB, leaf composed of panels, with passage
* cladding system or equivalent device (electromagnetic speed control), * cladding system or equivalent device (electromagnetic speed control), * cladding system or equivalent device
doors close automatically when fire is detected, using a counterweight
* powder coating in any RAL color
* for installation on a lintel,
* standard lock and counterweight,
* guide with sliding mechanism,
* sliding door handle,
* passage doors:
 ** clear opening size 1000 mm x 2000 mm
 ** DIN lock with handle set - low handle with blind rosettes
 ** low threshold (10 mm)
 ** DC 340 door closer with guide

Območja, ki jih pokrivamo.

Naša storitev obsega široko območje, saj pokrivamo več različnih regij. Ne glede na to, ali se nahajate v mestu ali oddaljenem podeželskem območju, smo tukaj, da vam zagotovimo naše vrhunske storitve. Naša prisotnost sega v različne kraje in se nenehno širi, kar nam omogoča, da dosežemo stranke v večjih mestih, manjših naseljih in njihovi okolici.

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